Monday, May 16, 2011

Gather Schema Stats Fail With: Unable to correctly update the history table - fnd_stats_hist. -1 - ORA-00001: unique constraint (APPLSYS.FND_STATS_HIST_U1) violated.

Hi All.

In GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS , schema_name= ALL percent= 10 degree = 4 internal_flag= NOBACKUP Unable to correctly update the history table - fnd_stats_hist. -1 - ORA-00001: unique constraint (APPLSYS.FND_STATS_HIST_U1) violated

1. Take a backup of the FND_STATS_HIST table 
2. Truncate table FND_STATS_HIST: truncate table APPLSYS.FND_STATS_HIST;
3. Re-submit Gather Schema Statistics program.

Also can  be the following error:

In GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS , schema_name= ALL percent= 10 degree = 4 internal_flag= NOBACKUP Error #1: ERROR: While GATHER_TABLE_STATS: object_name=< schema. object_name  >***ORA-20005: object statistics are locked (stattype = ALL)***

select owner, table_name, stattype_locked from dba_tab_statistics where stattype_locked is not null;
2. For unlock the schema
3. Run again to check that the schema was unlocked.
select owner, table_name, stattype_locked from dba_tab_statistics where stattype_locked is not null;
4. Re-submit Gather Schema Statistics program

Good luck..

1 comment:

  1. excellent article and it really helped me during my R12 upgrade.. thanks a lot
