If you get the following message:
You do not have access to any End User Layers (EULs). You must create at least one EUL to access Discoverer.
Here the step by step for creating Discoverer 11g EUL for Oracle Application users.
1. Create EUL user
a. Create Table Space for EUL user
create tablespace EUL datafile '/d01/test/db/apps_st/data/eul01.dbf'
size 200M
autoextend on maxsize 200M
extent management local uniform size 64K
b. Create EUL user
create user EUL_US identified by EUL_US default tablespace EUL temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant connect, resource to EUL_US;
grant all privilege to EUL_US;
(You can revoke no need privileges after the EUL creation).
grant all privilege to EUL_US;
(You can revoke no need privileges after the EUL creation).
2. Enter to Oracle Discoverer Administrator with EUL_US user
You will get the following message:
Press "Yes".
Press "Create an EUL".
Check "New EUL is for use Oracle Application users ONLY" and press Select
Find EUL user that was created in first step and press OK. Press NEXT.
Enter in Schema "APPS" and apps Password.Press FINISH
It will install all relevand db objects for new EUL user.
Aftre the installation finished successfully:
Go to Tools --> Privileges --> In Previleges tab press SELECT
Enter the Oracle Application User that will be the discoverer administrator (in my case it's SYSADMIN).
Give full privileges to user and save the changes.
3. Now you can connect to Oracle Discoverer Administrator / Desktop with Oracle Application User.
Good Luck..
Thanks a lot .
ReplyDeletewe need also change Parameter in Context file from